Monday, October 4, 2010

Daddy Day

It's not technically a work day for me, but I've missed a few recently, so here's an "extra" blog.


Because I get to be "Dad" today.

Leah has an appointment at "The Clinic" so she had to fly home over the weekend to be here today. But she can't miss more than one day of school, so she has to fly back to NYC today, too.

In the "old normal" that would have meant Sherry taking her to her appointment and getting her to MSP. But in the "new normal" my lovely bride has two tests to take today, so I get to put on my parenting super-cape and do what must be done.

Let me tell you, it is excellent to have an excuse to remind myself of what is really important in life -- part of which is definitely being here for my children.

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