Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Kids" and "Sports"

Bump - 2010For many years, it seemed like we were constantly going to see sporting events for our kids, or taking them to practices for those sports. And then by the time the girls were in high school, music and theater were more common (though Leah had some fun in track for a while) but still their activities were a major portion of our lives as parents. We even attended a few events for the kids who were attending Luther. But with Leah so far away for college, these had disappeared from our calendar.

Then, last weekend, Adam said "Hey, I know you sometimes like to come see me play sports. I have a sand volleyball tournament on Saturday."

We didn't have anything big planned, so we figured we'd do it. It was a hot day (as so many have been recently) but we got under the tent at Whistlebinkies on the Lake, ordered some Dr. Pepper, watched a game, ordered lunch, ate it, and watched another. It was a fun time, and we got to meet some of Adam's friends.

And there were no referees!

A fun time. Thanks for the invitation, Adam.

Adam's Volleyball - 2010


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