Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't Say Anything

I don't blog my whole life. I know there are bloggers who pour out their hearts, who describe conflict in intimate detail, who are willing to say negative things about the people in their lives in a public forum.

I'm not one of those. I love my wife, my kids, and so many of my friends and family. I enjoy writing about them, because I can be positive about them. I can count my blessings and share my joy with and about them.

But we had an experience this weekend which is not among our blessings. I guess I had the opportunity to stand up for my wife and daughter. But I'd rather that I hadn't had to.

So today, rather than rip open a vein, I will do what the good old advice says:

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything.


Come back tomorrow. I'll have something nice to say then. About Adam and sports and being a parent.

Yep, that's more my style.


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