Thursday, June 24, 2010

Review - Dark Mirror

Title: Star Trek: the Next Generation Dark Mirror
Author: Diane Duane

The original Star Trek series had a memorable episode in which four Enterprise crew members were exchanged with their duplicates from a mirror universe. In this mirror universe, the people were cutthroat, the purpose of Star Fleet was conquest.

In Dark Mirror, the Next Generation crew finds themselves and their Enterprise pulled into that same universe, and they must find a way back, or they will certainly be destroyed.

It's actually a shame that this story was not around during the run of the show, as it's always interesting to see the actors who portray heroes so well get a chance to play evil. This book, though a little long for an episode, did a great job giving each of the major characters a chance to show how he or she might have turned out in that mirror universe. In particular, seeing a Dark Deanna was very interesting.

A Star Trek reader is going to like this book. The rest of you? Go for something else.

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