Thursday, May 20, 2010


Yesterday Leah got a call at 6:20 AM. She was not scheduled to work until later in the afternoon, but the person who was supposed to open the store at 10:00 AM needed someone to open and stick around until that colleague could arrive. Leah said she would help out.

Then the colleague was not able to show up. At all.

So my daughter worked from open to close, 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, by herself. (OK, maybe she's more Sherry's daughter in this, but I like to think I had some influence.)

This, just 12 days after starting her job. Her first-ever employment by a business.

She was tired when she returned home. But she had done it. No whining. Just got the job done.

Way to go, Leah.

(And yes, I know Adam, Lucas and Sarah put in full days of work yesterday, too. I just wasn't blogging back when they did it the first time.... {That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. It has nothing to do with Leah being the youngest. [OK, it might; but it's a good story, nonetheless.]})

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