Monday, May 17, 2010

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 52

I sure am glad I changed my rating system a while back. It's hard enough to separate movies from each other with only 50 points between "just barely recommend" and "one of the best movies ever." Anyway, we finally saw "Adaptation" this weekend, after Lucas loaned it to us, oh, I don't know, maybe when he was 12? Watched it with my parents. As the opening is rolling, we see it's an "R" rated movie and Mom says something to the effect of "I guess you're old enough now, I don't have to be embarrassed watching an 'R' rated movie with you." True enough for most "R" movies, perhaps. I am pushing 50 after all. Still, watching Nicolas Cage's character, ... ummm ..., have some "alone time?" I don't know when a mom and her son are exactly comfortable watching that together.

Where the Wild Things Are


I think it was well done, for what it did. It set a mood. It was entirely a world for a child.

Iron Man 2


A blast! Action fun! Whiplash was an excellent villain. Sam Rockwell plays another sleazy character. Are there too many characters? Nah. But let’s all hope Black Widow can take a bigger part in the ultimate Avengers movie that must come.



A nice romantic comedy. And I have to admit I’m liking John Cusack. I’ll have to add “High Fidelity” to my queue.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Very fun, and since I didn’t know most of the story ahead of time, I got to be surprised. “The best X-Men movie?” Not quite. But very good.



Confusing, funny, intense – and finally I have seen Nic Cage play a different character. Well done. I’m still not sure I know what really happened. But that’s not a bad thing.



Took a while to get going. Much of it felt like a TV movie. The end was pretty good.

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