Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Message for Tamara - Snippet

Tamara, it is my last wish that this letter reach you. I left the data and observations in other files. Even Beucher should realize this one is for you.

MovesLightwardAtDawn began the process of removing its hundreds of limbs from the cracks and crevasses in which they were lodged on a Tuesday, I think. The Tuesday before our anniversary, in fact. I'm sorry I missed being with you. I hope you know that.

Considering it took me more than two days to make my request clear, I had begun to think I would never succeed. Then again, it seems that the success didn't end up amounting to much, personally. I know the progress I made will help the team continue the contact, but right now, writing to you, I don't feel it wasn't worth it.

I know you wanted to be on the next team. I beg you, please don't. Someday people might be safe, but not yet. I love you so much. Stay safe. Get back to Earth. Live a long life.

In all the ficsims, the heroes who have limited air always reach their new air supply just in time. I had more than a week's worth when ProtectsSmallStranger took its new name, and began moving upward in the kilometers-deep crevasse, but it's not enough. My eyes are bleary, and I know part of the reason is oxygen deprivation. The rest? Tears.

I've been dreaming of you every time I sleep for the past several days. My only consolation is that I will fall asleep before the end. I will see you in my dream. One last time.

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

Steve, you write great flash fiction. Get it out there!