Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Mike first pointed out Lady Gaga to me. I think I'll buy some of her stuff. Now Pete has pointed me at her when she was just Stefani Germanotta, before the whole Lady Gaga persona. One thing is clear, the woman is talented.

Here's a Lady Gaga pop/dance number (which is addictive), followed by a Stefani performance (which is excellent.)

This is hardly a unique observation, but it's pretty clear the talented young woman sexualized her image. I suspect it was required. Perhaps someday she'll get to unmask publicly - that is, she'll have her platinum-blond/Gaga songs, and her brunette Germanotta songs, too.

My aging brain seems to recall there was an artist who was able to pull this off - some art in the flashy persona, and some from a real-life version. Anyone remember such a person? Maybe there are several?


Unknown said...

That would be Gene Simmons...

Steve Will said...

Good one, Peter. That's exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of.

Michael Hacker said...

I bought Fame from Zune and I have loved the album. Every tune is great--no duds. The best album(CD) I've bought in a decade.