Monday, January 11, 2010

I Like the Concept

Every winter, it happens. The temperature drops, the sweaters are put on, the fireplace lights up, and somewhere inside of me, I think:

"Cocoa would be good right about now."

OK, typically, it's Sherry who starts the pot for herself, pours a cup of cocoa, and then that's when I really say it. But you get the picture. The problem?

I don't like cocoa.

I've tried. Every year. Sometimes two or three times. It smells so good. M y hands like the warmth of holding the cup. But, darn it, I just can't enjoy the actual drinking. It's too sweet or something.

I have pretty much the same issue with coffee, it turns out. Except that coffee is too bitter, rather than too sweet. [Confession: I do enjoy a good instant French Vanilla coffee, but there is very little coffee taste in that....]

Yes, there is something about the concept that is appealing. And, in fact, there are aspects of the experience that I like -- the warmth of the cup, the image of myself holding it, sharing the experience with others.

But if you're not going to enjoy the drinking, Steve, then why do it?

Fortunately, I do enjoy hot cider. So I can come close to the experience. You can have your molten chocolate goodness; I'll sip apples.

Still, it seems like I'm missing something.

What about you? What do you like, in concept, but not when the whole experience is taken into account?

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