Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"The Giver" - November Book Review

For November, I took a recommendation from Sherry, who took a recommendation from Sarah, and read The Giver by Lois Lowry.

What is it about? Here's how the back cover starts its teaser:

"Jonas's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain."

Jonas begins the novel as a twelve-year-old boy who is about to be assigned his role in the Community. This is not a traditional "coming of age" story. The world in which Jonas lives is much more serene and controlled than ours. And yet, this is exactly a "coming of age" story, because Jonas faces adult responsibilities, weaknesses and decisions in very stark ways.

The Giver is a utopia masking a dystopia; a Newbery Medal winning young reader's novel which uses the innocence of its audience to address themes every adult should consider; a work of speculative fiction which is almost allegorical in its imagery.

As a 180-page book intended for young people, it is a very quick read, but it will affect you long after you've read it.

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