Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Temple in Japan and other Photos from My Trip

Temple in Japan
Originally uploaded by steven_t_will
So the trip to Japan and China reaffirmed my love for our new camera. I bought it in preparation for Sarah & Troy’s wedding, since our previous camera was having major trouble focusing when shooting indoors. If all goes well, when I post this to my blog, I will have some good examples of how well the photos turn out with this Sony DSC-H20. 10X optical zoom. A flash that reaches a long way.

And you know one other thing that is a real improvement? No matter how many photos I have stored on the memory card, the camera is ready to shoot as soon as it’s on. Our older camera had a silly implementation that seemed to have to read through each file on the card before it could find a spot to put the next image. So, when we were in Hawaii and I took over 1000 shots [OK, laugh, but first of all, you should see the best ones we got from that trip – I can’t get the best ones without having some chaff to throw away. And second of all, do you know how beautiful Hawaii is? I defy anyone with a camera in his hands to refrain from capturing some of that beauty.] I’d have to suffer through almost a minute each time I turned on the camera, near the end of the trip, because the camera had to find the end of the existing images. Not this Sony! It’s smart.

So, enjoy a photo or two (or however many I put here – it’s so easy for the first photo from Flickr to be added to a blog entry, and so hard for every one after that) from our nice camera.

Great Wall
The Great Wall of China - Uploaded by me to Flickr

Hong Kong Skyline
Hong Kong Skyline - Uploaded by me to Flickr

Forbidden City Sun
Sun near setting, in the Forbidden City in Beijing - Uploaded by me to Flickr


This blog entry was supposed to be posted on November 3. An early version got out because I'm just not sure how to use Flickr's blogging ability to schedule a post, rather than just immediately posting it. Maybe it can't handle that, or maybe I'm not techie enough to know how. Anyway, if it feels like you already saw this in my blog, you're probably right!

1 comment:

Tia said...

wow those pictures are BEAUTIFUL!

looks like it was an amazing trip.