Friday, October 9, 2009

Snow tomorrow

Today the sun is shining, and it's in the upper 40's, which is a little cool compared to an average early October day (average high is 60 or 61), but really not too bad.

But tomorrow? Looks like we'll get some snow out of the system that's moving through. It won't last, of course. It might not even stay around long enough to make it through the night, since the ground is still pretty warm.

This is the time of year when my friends and acquaintances in other parts of the country openly wonder why anyone would live here.

Well, from my point of view, we just finished a practically-perfect-in-every-way summer. (I know, it wasn't hot enough for those who want to spend lots of days in the water, but honestly, I'm not one of those people. "Practically-Perfect-" is a personal opinion.)

So, after such a great summer, if we get a bit of snow to signal that it's time to stop worrying about our potted plants and just let nature takes its course, I'm fine with that.

After all, it means my lawn mowing duties are basically done for the year.

And that's not all bad.

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