Thursday, October 8, 2009

Milwaukee Art Museum - The Wings

Milwaukee Art Museum
Originally uploaded by steven_t_will
On our trip back from dropping Leah off at college, Sherry and I spent a day in Milwaukee. It was our reward for spending 14 hours driving in a car the day before.

One of the sites we saw was the Milwaukee Art Museum. As with most art museums, we were not allowed to take pictures inside the museum. Unlike most museums, however, one of the most impressive displays is part of the building itself.

"Unprecedented in American architecture, the Burke Brise Soleil is a moveable, wing-like sunscreen that rests on top of the Museum’s vaulted, glass-enclosed Windhover Hall. The “wings” open Tuesday–Sunday at 10 a.m. with the Museum, close/reopen at noon, and close again with the Museum at 5 p.m.; except on Thursdays when the Museum closes at 8 p.m." [From the museum's website.]

As you can see, we had a picture-perfect day. We arrived just a few minutes before the wings started their folding & unfolding at 10:00 a.m. We have a series of photos, and perhaps I'll post them all some day, but this single shot is so striking, I just had to post it.

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