Thursday, October 15, 2009

Missing the Ladies

Sherry is off to NYC to spend some time with Leah for NYU's Family Weekend. I know they'll have a great time.

But I wish I could be there!

Sarah's super-busy teaching and helping direct a musical and being in a choir and being a newlywed. We saw her and Troy a couple weeks ago, but now it will be three weeks until we get to see her again.

Fortunately, we got to see the boys and their wives last night and it's a good thing for my psyche. I have a few days alone, and then have to travel for two weeks before I get to see any of my family again, including Sherry. This is probably the longest Sherry and I will have spent apart since before we were married.

So, I'm very glad I saw A&M, L&L (the boys and I played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2!) -- but I also really miss the ladies (and Troy.) I really am beginning to understand how my parents must feel as they spend so much time without seeing all of their kids together.

That's what it feels like to be a father, today, for me.

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