Monday, September 28, 2009

What a Win!

The boys and Dad and I were there! This was our first game in our Vikings season ticket package. As I mentioned a couple weeks back, I' likely to blog my reactions during this season. And do I have a reaction? Oh wow! This game was closer than it should have been, because of a couple of mistakes made by Vikings and exploited by a tenacious San Francisco 49ers team.

Then, at the end, with the Vikings trailing by 4, and only 12 seconds left -- after having turned the ball over on downs and needing a defensive stop and all our timeouts to get the ball back one more time with about 1:30 left in the game -- the line finally gave Brett Favre time, and he made magic happen, with a receiver who hadn't touched the field all year.

The stadium was louder than I've ever heard it! And then the officials reviewed the play and confirmed the touchdown, and it got even louder! Exuberance, Exhilaration, Excitement!

I will remember this one as long as I remember anything. It's as indelible in my mind as the "Randy Moss Coming-Out Party" in Green Bay in 1998.

And I was there this time!

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