Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yeah, I'm distracted

Four days until the wedding.
Three days until the rehearsal.
Two days until I grill burgers for Sarah's in-laws-to-be.

So, other things are just not very high on my mind's priority list right now. I'm pretty wedding-distracted.

Leah helped yesterday by being in a super-good-mood after buying many, many items in preparation for college. Sherry helped by making a super-delicious meal (scalloped potatoes -- drool) and going for a walk with me. Bruce Willis helped by doing outrageous action-packed evil-stomping in "Live Free or Die Hard."

These things distracted me from my distraction.

If I don't post in the next couple of days, blame the distraction.

Or my wanting to re-memorize the toast.

Or my distracting myself with Civ IV. (Not every distracting thought is about the wedding. Civ IV and, well, other things. I'm just sayin'....)

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