Monday, July 6, 2009

Fireworks are hard to shoot

We spent the evening of July 4th on the grounds of Grace Lutheran. First, eating brats & hotdogs, then attending the service (a very good sermon, and all the music was patriotic,) then chatting with friends while we waited for the big fireworks show.

The weather was perfect. Though the day had started out cloudy, the clouds cleared as the night wore on, giving me an opportunity to take yet another photo of pink clouds.

I bought a new camera in preparation for Sarah's wedding, and it has a "fireworks" setting, so I tried it out. Unfortunately, I did not bring a tripod, so most of the shots did not turn out well, but I really liked the effect of this one.

According to the local paper, this year's display had more fireworks than ever before in Rochester: 14,000 launches! Let me tell you, the finale was the most spectacular display I've seen outside of Disney. We were impressed.

Five days, and counting...

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