Friday, June 5, 2009

Where is my cave?

We have had a stretch of weeks with lots of people around, and being around lots of people. And it hasn't been limited to "real" life -- work has been the same way. [But I don't blog about work. {Not here, anyway. I might start somewhere else...}] The "real life" stuff has been great fun! Still, I'm a bit over-stimulated with it, I think. My small talk meter is nearly on empty. I'm not sure I can squeeze much more out.

Anyway, tonight Leah graduates, so we'll be in a large crowd of folks. Tomorrow, we have at least one grad party to attend.

After that, I'm looking for my cave. I need some hermit time. Alone with my thoughts. Sequestered.

So, for the weekend, a little "cave" time would be good. [Sherry can share my cave -- I don't need to be completely isolated.] Then, in less that two weeks, I'll get some "cave" time with Paul. That should be enough.

I need to recharge before Sarah's wedding! I'm looking forward to that so much. I want to be at the top of my game, ready to chat and enjoy the people.

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