Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's a Good Ache

I ache today.

Saturday, I pulled weeds. Knees ache, back aches.

Monday I cut wood with my chainsaw, broke sticks with muscles and leverage, built and tended the bonfire at the bottom of our hill. Legs ache, back aches (again), hamstrings ache, arms ache.

Still, they are good aches. Honest physical labor, tending our property and helping Leah and her group film the "Destruction of the One Ring" (which was a textbook) -- these are good things to do, so the aches which result are "Good."

I'm taking ibuprofen anyway. I mean, there can be too much of "Good" thing.

[I wanted to insert the photo of the One Ring burning, but I think Leah's classmate still has the memory card with the image.]

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