Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weekend Writing

I had a very long weekend. With Sherry out of town, and Leah busy with "Hello, Dolly!" I had the house to myself more than I am used to. As I said yesterday, I certainly watched a lot of movies (from Thursday after work through Sunday evening) but I also had some time to do some reading and writing.

Recently, Mike and I exchanged e-mail about the advantages of writing our blogs. We get to practice frequent writing, and we get the opportunity to write in different styles. Most frequently, I seem to write "conversational" articles. I write as if I'm explaining something or talking about something in a conversation with friends.

But I also write reviews, I write persuasive essays, I write sarcasm -- many styles, and I like that. If I were one of those bloggers who treated their place in cyberspace like a newspaper column, I think I'd stop writing.

But what I don't do in this blog very often is write fiction. I think I should remedy that. Let me revise that -- I don't much care if I put the fiction in the blog, but I want to write it. One of the purposes of starting the blog initially was to encourage myself to write. I've done that. And at times the habit of writing daily for the blog has kicked me into a fiction-writing spurt, but not often enough.

During the weekend, I put some time aside to start some fiction again, and it felt good. But I didn't get far enough. And then I remembered several stories I had started in the past and never got back to. I believe I'll have to take some of my blogging time, especially at night, and put a bit of effort into those pieces again.

So, if I miss a day here or there, I hope it's because I've written something.

It will not be an excuse. Writing the blog has become a very fun part of my routine. I'm not inclined to mess it up. Priorities are priorities, though.

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