Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Say "Writer" - You Say [blank]

Word association time!

When I say "writer" who is the first person who pops into your head?

What if I said "artist?"

What if I said "author?"

I don't think I can do it -- I've thought about it for too long.

I was going to make a post that I could re-use whenever I got "writer's block." I figured I'd make it a bit clever by having no words, just a picture of writers and then a picture of a block.

But when I tried to think of a picture (or two) that would represent "writers" I got stuck. What writers could I select that would immediately be recognized?

I thought these three might be iconic enough to be recognized:

But that got me thinking about the question that started today's entry: When you think "writer" who do you think of? And when you think of that person, do you think of their image? Because when I think about most of the books I read, I doubt I could tell you what the author looks like.

Anyway if you see a post from me that looks like this:

now you'll know what it means.

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