The first couple of episodes of this chapter of "Heroes" did not grab me. The show is welcome to change its formula, as dictated by the needs of the story it wants to tell, but all of the previous chapters grabbed me right away, laid out a conflict that felt important, and introduced some new "special" people I wanted to get to know. Episodes 1 & 2 of this chapter didn't.
[The whole "they're rounding us up like criminals" conflict seems too manufactured, to me. I'm OK with it as a secondary conflict, but it just appeared out of almost nothing, and it's not nearly on par with "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World."]
Monday's episode improved things, however. First, it helped to have Hiro involved in the story more. Second, Claire got to stop acting as simply a teenage girl. Third, the heroes (and villains) are beginning to understand how to work together better.
I have more hope for this season.
Hey, it's still better than most of the formulaic police dramas and sophomoric comedies on the major networks. I just expect more from this show, which had the single best season of TV I've ever seen. (Lost season 1 was close.) (Battlestar Galactica Season 4.0 + 4.5 is challenging them both...)
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