Friday, January 16, 2009

A Dinner Tonight

Adam called last night. He and Marisa suggested we get together for dinner. Excellent idea! After seeing so much of them for a couple of weeks, we haven't seen them since January 1. And, as it happens, Sarah and Troy will both be in town, so we will have many of us together. I still don't know if Lucas and Lee can join us, but I certainly hope so.

As we grow up, we begin to understand our parents better. I sympathize ever more with the joy my parents and Sherry's must feel when we gather for a visit. Because, even after a two week absence, it's so great to anticipate seeing the kids again.

Family-related: I have started a Yahoo group for the Will Family. I mentioned it at the end of the Will Christmas Gathering at Dave & Buster's, and now it exists. I need to populate it with some information and pictures, and then get people signed up for it. A nice chore for the weekend. [Way nicer than preparing for taxes.]

I also realized this week how few recent photos I have on my laptop. Now that Sherry organizes photos on her computer, I need to make a habit of grabbing some of the best for me to carry around with me. This is another chore I'd like to take care of this weekend. I just joined Facebook, and it would be great to have some more photos up there.

At 2:45, said we've reached 0°F , thus ending our streak of hours below zero. I'm not sure how long the streak was, but I think it was three full days and parts of two others. The past two days of school were canceled in Rochester, after the extreme cold on Wednesday caused problems for buses and for kids waiting and walking in dangerous temps.

Battlestar Galactica starts up again tonight. The Final Ten Episodes. I hope I remember to tape it! Dinner with the kids trumps watching it as it happens, but I don't want to miss it completely!

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