Friday, January 23, 2009

Battlestar - One Down, Nine to Go

This entry contains spoilers. If you've never watched Battlestar Galactica, well, you should! (From the beginning.)

But you shouldn't read this entry.

And if you haven't seen the first episode of The Final Ten (Season 5 or 4.5 or whatever they call the set of episodes which started airing on January 16, 2009) you should not read this either.

I'm just interested in putting my theories down somewhere, and then seeing how close I was when the series is finally over.

So, be warned! Spoilers (and speculations) ahead!


In the first episode of The Final Ten, we learned a few things that lead to my speculations:
  1. Tigh's wife Ellen is the last of the Final Five (at least, if Tigh is right -- I'd like to have D'Anna confirm it.
    • This means that Starbuck is not one of the Final Five.
  2. Yet, Starbuck found her destroyed Viper, and her own corpse
    • This means Starbuck was "resurrected" somehow.
  3. We also learned that the bones found on Earth are "Cylons" from the viewpoint of the Colonists, and are not "humans" from their point of view.
    • How they can tell the difference from bones is a mystery. But let's assume this is true.
  4. From the time-frame in the show, Earth's destruction happened 2000 years before.
This lead me to speculate the following:
  • The supposed "13th Colony" (Earth) is in fact the place from which the 12 Colonies originated. 2000 years ago, Earth suffered a cataclysm, and some of the people found a way to survive. Part of their survival led them to found the 12 Colonies.
  • One technique used to survive was "Resurrection" so a number of the inhabitants of Earth found a way to leave with that technology.
  • In order to repopulate through something other than cloning/duplication, they had to find a way to create diversity again. When they did, they founded the 12 Colonies, and then the "13th Tribe" left. These "diverse" children of the 13th Tribe think of themselves as "Human" but, in fact, the 13th Tribe were once the real humans who lived on Earth. The differences between Human and Cylon (from the characters' point of view) are differences which happened with the evolution/diversification of the Children from their Progenitors.
  • But the 13th Tribe is still around. They wanted and expected the 12 Colonies to grow on their own. Whether the 13th Tribe was involved in the creation of the Cylons again, I'm not sure -- though I suspect so.
  • It was the hidden 13th Tribe that Resurrected Starbuck.
  • The remaining "Bad Cylons" will catch up with the current Colonies/Cylon Alliance. The Alliance will be in danger of falling until the 13th Tribe is revealed and helps them defeat the last remnants of the "Bad Cylons" ushering in a new era of cooperation.
Now, after tonight's episode, I may think something completely different. But for now, this makes sense to me.

How far off can I be?

Pretty far, I bet! :-)


Brandon Barr said...

Ah, a Battle Star Galactica fan. I am one of the odd Sci-fi fans who have still not seen any Galactica, be it tv or movie.

I gotta get around to renting the movie at's supposed to be a classic.

Steve Will said...

Brandon, if you rent the mini-series that started the Sci-Fi Channel series, you will not be disappointed.

And for scifi lovers who also take faith seriously, this series is not to be missed. It deals with faith far more respectfully than most TV drama. In fact, it is a key theme in the series.

Brandon Barr said...

Thanks Steve. I can always use a good series to rent!