Thursday, January 22, 2009

Games - Super Paper Mario and Civilization III

Two nights ago, we finished Super Paper Mario again. I believe this is only the second time we've played through this inventive game, released on Nintendo's Wii. The game itself doesn't make any significant use of the Wii controls, but it is definitely entertaining. The first time we played it, we explored the game world more fully, trying to accomplish various side missions and so on. This time, we were more focused, and by the time we finished, we were much lower level.
There is one particularly annoying aspect of the game -- many sequences where we have to just sit through a bunch of juvenile dialog, especially in the end game -- but overall, it was well worth playing, and playing again.

But it's no Pikmin! I could play that (or Pikmin 2) again almost immediately after finishing it. How I hope that rumors of a Wii Pikmin are true!


Civ III Complete -- has me hooked again. It's so easy to play while watching a movie I've seen before. It's so addictive! Each turn there's something being accomplished.

This time, I'm America. I hadn't played as President Lincoln in a long time, and Mike said it's his current favorite, so I tried it again. I expanded quickly, and have used my monetary policy to take control of the game quite early on. Very soon, I will start my first war, wipe out one opponent, and then a bit later convert to Democracy. I think I played the entire last game as a Monarchy (my favorite way to govern in Civ III) -- though I might have gone Democratic once I could build railroads; I can't recall.

Civ III has, unfortunately, pushed World of Warcraft out of my head, but I have a weekend coming up soon when I will have some chunks of "me time" and I expect to play WoW then. I have to continue to feed Big Dog's new enthusiasm for the game.

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