Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I had to wait in a line of about 30 people to get into the polling room, and then I waited in another line of about 10 to get my ballot. But the whole experience took about 25 minutes, so that was not bad.

Sherry, of course, timed it just right. She didn't have to wait long at all -- two people ahead of her, maybe. She leads a charmed life.

I didn't know as much as I should have about the school board candidates. But the rest of the races were pretty well known to me. (OK, except those judges. Honestly, since they can't campaign, how are we to know?)

Now, I will watch returns all night. I think I'll watch NBC. CBS has been great about covering the issues, so maybe I should patronize their coverage, but I like the experts on NBC quite a bit, though we will all miss Tim Russert.

And, if the coverage gets boring (or the presidential race goes the wrong way) then it will be time to put "V for Vendetta" on the DVD player and "Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November..."

It's that time of year!


Anonymous said...

it's awesome that there has been this "problem" of long lines all over... people taking a greater interest in public issues is always a good thing

Steve Will said...

You're absolutely right, movie fan. It was a great "problem" to have. So much participation. And so peaceful. Even though most of the people in my community voted the "other" way, we were all friendly with one another. What a country.