Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Proud Day

Leah said it well:

"I don't think Obama would have won if he had run trying to be the first black president."


Certainly, we all knew he would be, but other than a few comments about the history being made by the Democratic primary season, there wasn't any plea from Barack Obama to vote for him because of his race, or the historic nature of the result of his win.

In no way do I think that there was anything but a smattering of racism in the votes. I think the votes for McCain were based on beliefs (and fears) about policy differences. So it's not as if I'm proud of the Obama voters alone. I am proud of our country that we were able to avoid voting based on race, pro or con.

I heard former Republican congressman Mickey Edwards, on Fresh Air tonight, and he is the kind of conservative I can respect. He's the kind of Republican I think John McCain is, at heart. He's critical of the way the Republicans have behaved in the era begun with Newt Gingrich, and promoted by Karl Rove. Edwards wants the Republican party to find its soul again (my words) and I admire that. Edwards voted for Obama; for his demeanor, his thoughtfulness, his leadership qualities.

I don't know how many people had the same reaction Mickey Edwards had, but I like to think that Barack Obama will convince even more people over the next four years that he is worthy of this office.

I am proud of this country.

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