Friday, November 7, 2008

Presumptuous, but protected

I read a blog today (C.Beth's) that pointed me to a website that helps authors of digital work copyright their material. You'll now see the MyFreeCopyright banner on my blog.

It's every author's dream to write something that people will like enough that the author wants to be able to say "Yep, I did that."

It's every author's nightmare that others would steal his work and claim it for their own.

Copyrights probably only discourage the most blatant plagiarism, but having one still makes me feel better.

Whether it's my movie micro-reviews (for which I am almost set to publish Edition 23), or my snippets, or my wisps, I enjoy writing them, and I enjoy the idea that some people like reading them. And when I decide to give a small sermon, or discuss faith, I typically put enough time into those that I don't relish the idea of others stealing my thoughts verbatim and claiming them as their own. It's possible those things will never be more than bits on a blog, but they are my bits.

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