Monday, October 13, 2008


I told people today, I feel like I've been running on adrenaline [1] for the past couple of weeks, and now I'm completely out.

I'm drained.

The wedding was completely wonderful. From the preparations, to the rehearsal, to the photos, to the ceremony itself, to the reception, to the breakfast, to the gift opening -- it all went very well. And now the happy couple is on a plane to Mau'i.

So I am drained, but I am happily drained.

Somehow, I'll find the energy to work. But when I'm not working, I'll be sitting and recharging my inner fuel cells. Well, OK, I might get on the treadmill, and try to lose this stress-induced weight, but other than that, I'll be sitting.

And I won't feel a bit guilty.

Happy Monday, one and all.


[1]A quick check of "adrenaline" shows it's more technically accurate to say "epinepherine." But "Bones" McCoy called it adrenaline, so that's what I'm calling it. You all know what I mean.

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