Friday, September 19, 2008

Mid-year resolution

Since finishing "His Dark Materials" earlier this year, I find that I have been able to read a book each month.

Once upon a time, when I was much younger, I consumed books at a much greater rate. I could keep up with 30+ comic books each month, and still read three or four books. But that was long ago in a past far, far away. Before I had relationships. And a real job.

But lately, especially after finishing the "Star Trek: Invasion" series, I've found myself wanting to put some time into reading again. It's especially tempting now that we have such a beautiful sun room in which to read.

I still do most of my reading in the minutes before bed, though. It's just that, lately, instead of reading four pages while I wait to get to the sink and mirror, I head to bed a bit earlier and get 20 pages read. And that has put me on a pace to read a novel per month. I like it!

What am I reading now? "Deepsix" by Jack McDevitt. I had read "Omega" a couple years ago, and before long realized it was part of a loosely-connected series. So I bought the first couple in the series. I finished "Engines of God" in August. It looks like I'll easily get through this one in September.

So, today, in addition to some Civ III, I will do some reading. And I hope to be able to keep up the pace. Reading really is fun.

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