Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 18

I can't believe I never put a micro-review for Harry Potter 5 here - I guess my larger review made me forget it. Anyway, it's been a good few days for movies.

Remember, if it ranks 50 or above, I'd recommend it, at least conditionally. So, yes, I recommend Garden State and Enchanted. Garden State if you like dramas unless you get turned off by realistic depictions of youthful stupidity. Enchanted if you like fairy tales, but don't need the entire movie to be purely typical.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


The best yet. The young actors have grown, and are equal to the task. The effects are wonderful – especially the final spell battle. The review in the blog is here.

The Incredible Hulk


Why didn’t I want to see this? Partially because I think the origin is weak. So what did they do? Genius! Don’t tell it! Get on to the interesting stuff! Good story. Love Liv! Effects were seamless. Ownable!



Actions have consequences, and sins might be forgivable (or they might not) but they still effect irrevocable changes. Reality is messy. I recommend to drama lovers. Strong performances.



Fun, and sometimes funny. Disney pokes fun at itself, while also showing us life can learn from fairy tales. Worth a viewing.

Garden State


If your life is full of pain, do you want to live it, or get through it? What makes you feel “home?” I don’t need to see it again, but I’m sure glad I saw it.

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