Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Different Stages

Yesterday Eric N and I were able to share transition stories about our kids. On Monday, his second child lost his first tooth (the child's, not Eric's). On the same Monday, my second child moved into his first house. Indie mentioned in a comment to my entry just before Adam's wedding that his recent fatherly moment centered on a play by his son in a youth baseball game. Coincidentally enough, at the aforementioned wedding, my sister had her son (my nephew) recount a significant baseball play of his own. [1]

This happens frequently - my family and friends are at a stage in their parenting which has been in my rear-view mirror for a long time. These days, Sherry and I are much closer to empty-nesters than we are to ball games and ear-aches.

In fact, in a metaphysical sense, I suppose each of us is really "closer" to any point in the future than we are to any point in the past, because we will eventually get to that future, but we can never return to the past. But that's beside the point.

I do miss some aspects of parenting younger children, but not nearly enough to want to do it again. Yes, it was fun to roll around with little kids on the grass or carpet, pretending to be the friendly beast attacking them (or being attacked.) Yes, there's a peace that's hard to express when I held a tired daughter in my arms as she fell asleep. Yes, the sheer joy of a toddler when opening a gift is unmatched as they grow.

But I have the memories. And now I am able to experience the joy of discussing life with Sarah, inviting Adam for dinner and giving Lucas advice on finances. Plus, I still have a year or so of watching Leah perform in her various venues.

Then, someday in the future -- but not too soon -- perhaps I will get mini-doses of young children again. Grandpa? Me? I can wait.

This stage is quite enjoyable for now.

[1]Unassisted triple-play - pretty cool, William!

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