Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Three and counting

Three days from now, Adam and Marisa will be married. Seems all of us are getting anxious in some way or another. The happy couple appears to be quite calm, considering. This is not much of a surprise, since they are both quite positive and steady - not worriers at all.

It will be great to see Leah again, and to see all the friends and relatives who will converge on the wedding and reception. But more than anything, it will be incredible to see my son as a Groom, and my other son as a Best Man. And then to gain a daughter! Wow.

But until then, we all just bide our time. Work, eat, sleep, and count down the hours. The anticipation is thick.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.


Indeterminacy said...

What a life experience that is you describe. I have a few years to experience that yet. The latest peak experience was watching my son catch a fly ball and end an inning. He's playing baseball in the German little league.

P.S.: somehow I think I missed connecting up with your blog. Thanks for the link to Indeterminacy added here - I've added Snippets to my blogroll too!

Steve Will said...

Indie, thanks for the comment, and the link. I've been preoccupied lately, and hadn't noticed your photos had started reappearing. I will have to get back to checking more regularly.

Way cool about the baseball - it's great to have father/son things to share!