Thursday, May 1, 2008

Vanishing Tides

I'm in a quandary. It's a sticky wicket. A dilemma, as it were.

For some reason, I've been mildly motivated to write fiction as entries to this blog. But the three snippets in the "Tides of Darkness" are raising questions for me.

Assuming I ever want to try to complete this story (presumably for publishing):

  • I don't want to "spoil" the story in the blog - but the "spoiling" scenes are begging to be written.
  • I have to do re-writes - should I leave the originals alone, or update as I revise? I revised snippet 3 today, in fact. It might be interesting to keep the original, and see how the scene changes over time.
  • I want to try a few things as I learn from "The Writer's Journey" but this would harm the unfolding story, if I wanted to keep the blog version interesting as an "installment of snippets."

So, all those facts/questions suggest I should take the actual writing of the story out of the blog. However ...

  • I only seem to write when I am blogging! So I might end up leaving the story alone if I don't blog it.

A conundrum.

For today, I will copy what I've written into a local file, and make some notes. We'll see.

Welcome to the mind of indecision, fair readers. May your day find you more certain than I am.

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