Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hands-Free Psychosis

These days, there are people walking around talking to themselves in public, and it's weird!

Just ten years ago, anyone speaking to no-one as they walked through a hotel or down a street would have been recognized as needing mental health care.

Now, they just have a hands-free phone.

Well, unless they don't.

It's hard to tell; these ear-attached phones are so small.

I think the Star Trek: the Next Generation communicators would be better -- at least then you would be able to see something on the front of a person and say "Oh, they are talking into that brooch."

Then again, we'd be able to hear the other side of the conversation with the STtNG method. Not sure that's an improvement.

What we really need is a "cone of silence" for the hands-free crowd, so I don't have to hear either side of the conversation.

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