Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"... was once New Amsterdam"

Old New York...

We made airline reservations for a vacation in New York this summer! Hurray for Frequent Flier programs. We've selected one or two hotels based on recommendations from a person we trust, and I expect Sherry will make those reservations soon. We can see NYU and Julliard for two of our days, then see the sights and soak in the atmosphere.

The only time I've ever been in New York City before, I only had a few hours. It was years ago.

There is plenty to look forward to in my life these days. Three weddings in the next 16 months, for example! Yet adding this one more thing will be welcome. I won't have to drive, I will get to enjoy my ladies. I will see things I've never seen before - man-made wonders instead of the natural wonders to which I normally travel for vacations.

But not for a few months.

In the next several days, I will be in Nashville for business. Given the potential workload, it's likely I will not be able to post daily. So, for anyone who looks in on this blog daily, sorry if I don't get to it. For everyone else, well, I guess you have a chance to catch up.

Be well.

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