Monday, March 31, 2008

"Twitter?" Are you kidding me?

Yet another web-based community tool we probably don't need, but it got noticed at my conference and I tried it out.

What is it? Well, when you go to the website, you enter a short (140-character or shorter) message -- presumably about what you're currently doing, have just done, or will do soon. People who "follow" your "twitters" can then see what you've said. You can have "twitters" sent to your phone or IM.

This seems like something for the "texting" generation -- and I'm not among them. For a few days, though, while I'm at this conference, I'll play with it.

Caution: Anyone who worries about Big Brother watching him (you know who you are, Paul!) would be better off just staying away.

If you want to try it out, feel free to "follow" me -- I am "Steve_Will"


Listening to "Little Potato." It always makes me think of Sarah. And I smile. And get a little choked up.


All four #1 seeds advance to the Final Four. How unusual!


Finished the second "His Dark Materials" book. Suppose I accept the premise, and decide to agree that the ultimate goal of the protagonists is worth it. Can I still justify how they did it? I can't see how. The story is exceptionally innovative. But part of the unique nature is that he is treading where other authors fear to go. It's more like allegory presented as youth fantasy than it is youth fantasy proper. Unless he sells out completely at the end and makes everything turn out hunky dory -- and I doubt that will happen, given what he's already done to the characters.

When I finish the trilogy, I think I will have to write a spoiler-laden review.


Snippet to follow. Then bed.

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