Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thoughts on the Democrats

Going into the primaries, it was my feeling that the only way the Democrats would not win the Presidency was if they shot themselves in the foot. So, the gun is loaded. Which way will they shoot?

On the positive side, I keep thinking about the advertising idiom: "All publicity is good publicity." Yes, there is a conflict going on, and yes, the flaws of both Obama and Clinton are on display, but for the next couple of months, the country will be hearing about and from Democrats. There were complaints shortly after the New Hampshire primary, in fact, that the news media were paying more attention to the Dems than the GOP. Probably true. But now, there will be good reason for it.

On the other hand, unless something strange happens, super delegates will cast the deciding votes. Clearly one of the fears for the Democrats is that Clinton winning in this way might send the previously inactive voters, the ones who have come to the polls for Obama in droves, back into inactivity. That would work in favor of McCain.

On MPR yesterday they were discussing the potential of a "murder/suicide" at the convention: Clinton's machine finds a way to kill Obama's chances, but in doing so alienates so many people that it is political suicide. I think it's one reason Hillary was willing to admit entertaining the idea of a combined ticket after the wins.

If Obama does come in second, however, he will urge his followers to remain involved. He will want to wield his new political capital, and that can't happen if the masses disappear. And he will want to heal the party, because ultimately I believe he wants the best for the country. That will carry some weight.

I continue to hope that, though they are hungry to win, both Hilary and Barack will find a way to build a joint ticket. It's probably too much to hope for, but at least then the gun would be pointed away from them.

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