Monday, February 4, 2008

Once upon a time, there were "books"

Yesterday, while I was engrossed in the Super Bowl, Sherry was online. Why? Well, after she was done doing some business-related stuff, she decided to look around to see if there were some wedding-related etiquette guidelines. You see, we're about to be first-time "parents of the groom" and it turns out that knowing what we're supposed to do doesn't just come naturally. Most of our closest friends have younger children than we do (if any at all) so we haven't been close to many wedding plans since we planned our own.

Anyway, Sherry had several questions, and then as she browsed, she realized there were even more questions than she knew to ask. As with so many topics these days, if you Google "wedding etiquette" you get thousands upon thousands of hits, but the top few were very informative.

Once upon a time, I imagine people in our position would go to a bookstore and buy a book. These days, it's all on line.

Wow, I hope it's accurate!

Already it's clear that different parts of the country do things in different ways. And budget matters a whole lot. That's not a surprise.

According to one site, as soon as Adam & Marisa got engaged, Sherry and I were supposed to invite the Ruedas over for "cocktails." Really? Guess we missed that one.

As we get closer and closer to the big day, we'll learn even more. Maybe, by the time Leah gets married, we'll have this all figured out.

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