Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm sure it will work, someday

A couple of weeks back I got invited to join a Google Group. We're going to be using it to communicate about the work of our Stewardship Board at church.

So, thinking this was pretty cool, I decided to create a couple of groups. I decided it would be cool if my friends and I who play games had a page we could update to coordinate our game nights. And my group of e-mail friends might be able to leave ourselves messages and post links and such.

Yep, I created a group. But, unfortunately, Google Groups is having trouble right now. Some groups can create pages and upload files and some can't. Mine can't.

Someday, it'll work. But it doesn't now. When it finally does, I'll probably still be using the Stewardship group, so maybe I'll see a notification and then maybe I'll come back. That's the danger Internet-based services have these days; it's pretty hard to ensure that they are really ready for the amount of traffic they might get, and the reputation of a service will be harmed if they are not ready.


Michael Hacker said...

It will work, I'm sure. In the meanwhile, I've had great success with Yahoo groups, especially for my classes.

Steve Will said...

Oh, what a good idea. I know the Dudes in Rochester all have Yahoo IDs. That's what I'll do! Thanks, Mike!