Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snippet - Collaboration

"I can't explain it," said Nick, "but it wasn't memory, and it wasn't imagination."

Sharon helped him up from the floor as he continued. "What happened?" she asked.

"I was just standing there, thinking about Jonas, wondering how long he suffered before he finally, well, you know. Yes, it's morbid, but I can't help thinking about it. And then, bam! Cold! Like I jumped into an icy lake. And I could swear I was two feet in the air, seeing what Jonas must have seen as he gasped for breath. I could even see the snow swirling outside the window, like it was winter again. It seemed like it lasted forever, and I was going to black out, but I didn't. And then, smash! That mirror flew off the wall, hit me in the head, and I screamed and hit the floor."

"You know how that sounds, right?" Sharon said.

"Sure," Nick replied, shaking his head, willing the memory of the experience to leave, but it would not.

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