Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blizzard, then Deep Freeze

I'd guess pretty much everyone who reads my blog knows what this sort of weather is like, but if a person hasn't experienced it, I doubt they can even imagine it.

Today we have a Winter Storm Warning, and the way it looks out there, it will be a Blizzard Warning before the afternoon is over. Visibility from inside a car is poor and deteriorating. If you're actually out walking, it's far worse, because the wind makes it hard to keep your eyes open.

Then, according to latest reports, the bottom will drop out of the thermometer. Another night near -15F. True, this time we won't have days and days of cold (those days ended just a few days ago) but even one day of frigid air combining with wind and drifting snow will send all of us to the warmth of our houses.

Bundle up!

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