Thursday, December 20, 2007

What to do with "Small Stuff"

"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." That's what the famous book says. That really is good advice, if the "small stuff" in question is something that's potentially irritating or troublesome, but ultimately unimportant.

Yet, it's also true that if you ignore the "Little Things" in life, you miss some of the best parts of living. Search the 'net for "the little things" and you'll see that people think you should appreciate them.

Today, I had decided I would replace the light fixture on the fan in my den. That old fixture has been a nuisance for a few years now. It had four directional lamps, but the lamps were so loose that they would only point down. One of the sockets had a short that would blow the circuit breaker if a bulb was inserted. Another would just blow any bulb inserted. So, for years, I didn't sweat it. Two lights of four were enough to work by most of the time. Besides, I am not what you would call handy. And, let's be honest, working with electricity is dicey.

But finally, today, I went out and bought a replacement. In 30 minutes, it was installed and working. A "little thing" but highly satisfying. I improved the conditions in "my" room. I did it myself. And I didn't have any of the silly little setbacks that always seem to happen when I try to do a handy task.

A few days ago, I unclogged a drain. Today, I installed a light. Both jobs left me with a nice sense of accomplishment. "Small stuff" that was turned into "Little Things."

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