Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random Bits

Quote for the day:

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Hmmm. So, would I rather be a great talent, or a great genius? If no one can see your target, you probably look delusional. So, does it matter how you look? What if you never reach your target?

Link for the day:

Sarah sent me this one, to a musical light display. It is fantastic. You have to listen to it, too.

Python Update of the Day:

Entering today, I've seen episodes 1-6. Episode 6 has "The Dull Life of a City Stockbroker" which has probably the first televised nudity I ever saw. Oh, and "Crunchy Frog." I bet there is a website that lists all the sketches, by episode. Let's find out. One, Two, Three. One is imdb.com and doesn't list all the sketches. Two is Wikipedia (of course) and it lists the sketches and even has a link as if it's going to take you to a bio of Johann Gambolputty, but it doesn't. Three is a fan site, and even lets you download scripts! And it has the greatest name in German Baroque music, in its entirety, in the script!

Snippet of the Day:

Feeling a bit turquoise (which was somewhat like lackadaisical, with a dash on ennui and a pinch of "who the hell cares") he stepped out into traffic without waiting for the light to change. The oncoming bus swerved, hitting a little Toyota, but missing him entirely. Taking this as a sign, he completed the crossing, tripping slightly on the curb. He entered the Olde English and swore to himself never to set foot in McTaggert's Pub again.

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