Thursday, November 8, 2007

User Error

If you read the entry about my MP3-player memory expansion, you know I was frustrated. Even after writing that, I spent quite a bit of time looking around in forums, asking questions online, discussing things with Don (who owns a Sansa player and has a memory expansion card like the one I bought.)

Frustrated, I was going to return it. Don suggested that, as a last resort, I take it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and see if they knew what was wrong. The Geek Squad guy, after checking to see that the memory card worked in a computer (it did; I had checked) told me he didn't really know anything about them. As he was telling me, he pushed harder on the card than I had ever dared. It went deeper into the player! Oh my! You mean, all this time, after I pushed it to the point where it clicked into place and seemed seated, it wasn't?

That's right! There are two levels of "seated." The first level is not enough! You have to push the card in even more!

And now, it works. I was a silly user. So timid that I might break something, I didn't push hard enough.

I'm so glad I admitted that I might be missing something. Still, the instructions with the card or the player should have shown me how to use it. But now, it works just great. Well, as long as I don't mind loading it with Windows Explorer (and I don't.)

Don, thanks for the suggestion. Geek Squad to the rescue.

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