Friday, November 9, 2007

I think I need Lucy today

This has been a good week. I am ending the week with some good news. I don't have any big things going on this weekend. Yet, I feel a little blue.

I'm sure Lucy would have some sage words of advice, and they'd only cost a nickel!

Perhaps I've had such a good (though stressful) week, that this is just a natural let-down. Adrenaline levels are dropping, I'm drinking an non-caffeinated pop, I know that next week will be yet another intense week, and I just want to get to the weekend.

Maybe a run will help me. And a smile from Sherry! I think I'll try one or both of those. I bet my mood will pick up in short order.

Never mind, Lucy. I don't need your services after all. But here's a nickel anyway.

Happy weekend, all!

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