Monday, August 27, 2007

Civilization - the Game

Those silly Chinese.

For hundreds of years, we got along swimmingly, sharing a continent, trading with one another. I even granted them a gift of gold when they had none, just to help them out and engender some good will.

And how do they repay me? Declare war and attack!

Yet, silly as they are, they attacked over the narrow mountainous region which joined our two halves of the continent.

Do they not know how adept Carthaginians are at defending such an attack? We learned the value of such defense from the Spartans!

I had been building a small armada in preparation for launching an offensive against the Celts, who had bullied my two small towns off of the gods-forsaken continent on which they are minority territory-holders. So, naturally, when Mao attacked, the vessels were redirected.

Soon, I will have all of the old Chinese cities paying homage to Carthage. As a bonus, I will take control of the saltpeter near Beijing. I would have gladly traded for it, but, no, Mao decided that expansion was worth the risk.

It was a bad time to bluff, Mao. Now, I will be "doubling through" and then the world will recognize that Hannibal is, indeed, the World Conqueror.

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

Indeed Hannibal, the saltpetre is a worthy goal. How fitting it should be near Beijing; for is not China the worthy civilization that discovered the uses of gunpowder? Still, though Hannibal and Carthage are worthy indeed to survive and flourish, it falls upon me, divine Cleopatra, queen of upper and lower Egypt, to conquer and rule the world!