Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Poll - Summer Sequels

Blogspot just released a new feature we can use in our blogs: the poll.

You can see my first attempt on the left side of the page. It was very easy to create. I doubt I will use it much, unless I get a larger following than I have now. But it's new, and it's cool, so I tried it.

This summer's list of big movies is dominated by "sequels." That's not quite right for all of the films, but it's close. A traditional sequel feels like the producers said "Hey, the first one made money. Let's try it again." Thus, "Ocean's Eleven" begat "Ocean's Twelve," which led to "Ocean's Thirteen." Pirates 3 is really the conclusion to a story, the first half of which was told in a sequel - so it's half sequel, half serial. But the Harry Potter movie is essentially an installment in a serial.

So far, I've only seen five of the seven I listed. (I feel like I forgot one, too -- any help in recognizing an omission would be appreciated....) [1] Of those, Harry Potter and Pirates get my votes. Spiderman, Fantastic Four and Die Hard were definitely fun and worth seeing in a big theater, but if I could see only two movies this summer, they can't beat the others.

So, if you read this blog, try out the poll. Vote for the movies you really liked. I'll see if there is anything else poll-worthy in the future.

[1] Yep, I forgot "Spiderman 3" in my first attempt.

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