Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Blogged Chicken

It's been a good day off so far. I've used my Freedom (capital "F") to sleep late, to run on my treadmill while watching "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," to play some Magic: Online, to beat Diablo in Diablo II, and to generally enjoy myself.

And now, it's time to grill chicken. Mmmmm. Chicken on the grill, with Sherry's BBQ sauce. But, while I watch it, I have a few minutes to put this entry in the blog.

However, a boat-load of chicken tends to produce chicken-fat fires, so I'm afraid I will not produce anything remotely interesting in the entry today.

Yikes! Look at those flames!

I'll be lucky to have eyebrows when I'm done with this!

OK, now, let's get this chicken cooked.

Happy Independence Day, friends!

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