Monday, June 25, 2007

Goodbye, "Stargate: SG1"

For ten seasons, "Stargate: SG1" gave us imaginative stories, memorable characters, believable visuals - and a great reason to watch TV on Friday nights.

I've liked it all. Most episodes were excellent. Some episodes were (by definition) below-average, but they were still superior to most of the drivel on TV, because they made you think and gave you hope.

The torch has been passed on to "Stargate: Atlantis" and the last couple episodes from that show's season demonstrated that they are carrying it well.

I'll miss the show. Thank goodness for DVDs! I believe it will ultimately rank in my list of the top 10 TV shows ever.

Well done, SG1!

1 comment:

Steve Will said...

Doh! My blog got "comment spammed!" I've had to add word verification to commenting to make sure that a real person is commenting, not some bot spammer trying to increase traffic to his site.